Petro Tar Co. specializes in the production and export of various grades of penetration bitumen, including 50/70, 60/70, 80/100 and 85/100. The company offers several packaging options to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. Here are some of the common packing methods for penetration grade bitumen:
Poly Bags (Bitu Bag) :
These jumbo bags come in 300 kg, 500 kg, and 1 MT sizes, offering a flexible and convenient option for bulk handling.
Bitu bags 300 Kg:
Bitu Bags 1000 Kg (1 MT):
Bitumen new steel drums packing available in 150 kg and 185 kg sizes, these standard drums provide a durable and secure packaging solution.
For large-scale projects, bitumen can be supplied in bulk, ensuring efficient transportation and storage